IATSE Local 118's Statement on US Film Locals Strike Vote

IATSE Local 118 stands in solidarity with our kin south of the border who have, in a nearly unanimous vote, authorized a nationwide strike. Members working in film and television across the United States have voted with over 98% support to give International President Matthew Loeb the ability to send workers to the picket lines if the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers) continue to refuse to come to the table and bargain for better wages and working conditions, including proper meal breaks, time between shifts, and rest days. The corporations represented by the AMPTP have seen record profits through the COVID-19 pandemic from an increased demand from streaming services, and this has been on the backs of these workers, who work tirelessly to produce media viewed around the world. These workers work grueling hours, often without proper breaks, and without enough time to get home and get adequate sleep before needing to return to work, let alone with time to see their families.
It is now up to the APMTP how they will respond. The members of IATSE are willing to go on strike to win a fair deal with the producers. This can be prevented, but only if the AMPTP is willing to meet them at the table with a fair deal for all workers.
The Executive Board
IATSE Local 118
You can read IATSE International's statement here.