From: June 1 2024



Transfer cards shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 19, Section 17 of the International Constitution and as described by Local 118 policy.


    1. Any member who has been expelled shall be required to make application as a new member, and shall be governed by all conditions pertaining to new members, and will be required to meet all financial obligations due to the Local Union during the period of expulsion, as stipulated by the International Constitution and By-Laws.
    2. Any former member wishing readmission must apply in writing to the Executive Board stating such a request. Included in this request must be information about their former Roster membership, where applicable.
    3. Upon receipt of this application, the Executive or its designate will determine the following:

      1. the date that the membership lapsed.
      2. the circumstances of that lapse.
      3. the amount of dues owing from that date.
      4. any other financial obligations to the Local.
      5. any other information relevant to the case in question.

    4. The following criteria will apply to all persons seeking readmission:

      1. All financial obligations as determined by the Local Union must be paid in full, and in one sum.
      2. A member who chose Honourable Withdrawal will receive a new seniority position on the Master Seniority List based on the date their application for re-admission is endorsed by the International. This seniority position will be determined by calculating the length of time in full calendar months the person was previously a member in good standing, and “back-dating” the same length of time from their new endorsement date, to a maximum of five (5) years. A member who chose Honourable Withdrawal and was a member of a Roster will be re-admitted to their former Roster, at the bottom of the calling order for that Roster. The financial obligations of a member who chose Honourable Withdrawal will be limited to a maximum of eight (8) quarters dues and assessments, or as stipulated by the International Constitution and By-Laws.
      3. A member who was expelled for non-payment of dues will be assigned a seniority position at the bottom of the Master Seniority List as of the date their application for re-admission is endorsed by the International. An expelled member who was formerly on a Roster will not be readmitted to that Roster.
      4. A former member of this Local Union who has previously transferred to another Local, and who wishes to re-apply for membership in Local 118 shall, for the purposes of determining their re-instatement status, be deemed to have taken Honourable Withdrawal as of the date their Transfer Card was issued by Local 118. All Honourable Withdrawal provisions will apply, with the exception that there will be no financial obligation to Local 118 for the period of time the member maintained good standing in the Local to which they transferred.